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Start Your

Entrepreneurship Journey Today!

@ Sten K. Johnson Entreprenurship

School of economics and managemenet

Why study entrepreneurship?

Here are eight compelling reasons why diving into entrepreneurship is worth your while.

Entrepreneurship fuels creative ideas.
Entrepreneurship fosters an environment where **bold ideas** flourish. By studying it, you learn to think outside the box, challenge norms, and create novel solutions to real-world problems.
You shape your own path.
As an entrepreneur, you’re the captain of your ship. You decide the course, navigate challenges, and chart your destiny. The freedom to shape your business according to your vision is empowering.
Job Creation
Entrepreneurs boost the economy.
Entrepreneurs don’t just create jobs for themselves; they also generate employment opportunities for others. By launching ventures, you contribute to the economy and positively impact lives.
Learn from setbacks.
Entrepreneurship teaches adaptability. You’ll face setbacks, but these become stepping stones. Learning from failures and bouncing back is part of the entrepreneurial journey.
Financial Rewards
Potential gains.
While not guaranteed, successful entrepreneurship can lead to substantial financial gains. The potential for high returns attracts risk-takers willing to invest time, effort, and resources.
Solving Problems
Address real needs.
Entrepreneurs identify gaps in the market and develop solutions. Whether it’s a new app, sustainable product, or community service, entrepreneurship addresses pressing needs.
Connect with diverse minds.
Entrepreneurship exposes you to a diverse network. Collaborating with fellow entrepreneurs, investors, and mentors expands your horizons and opens doors.
Personal Growth
Evolve on the journey.
The entrepreneurial path challenges you to learn, adapt, and evolve. It’s a journey of self-discovery, resilience, and continuous improvement.

Study Entrepreneurship

The Sten K. Johnson Centre for Entrepreneurship at Lund University offers cutting-edge education aimed at fostering entrepreneurial and innovative capabilities.


Our Centre is a vibrant interdisciplinary research, education, and outreach environment where the synergy of innovation and entrepreneurship ignites.

with us

The Centre conducts various forms of cooperation targeting students, researchers and the local and international innovation networks and industry.

We collaborate closely with Lund University Commissioned Education (LUCE). You can read more about some of our past and present commissioned education courses here.

About the centre

We offer world-class, action-oriented education, targeting national and international stakeholders, including students from all faculties and levels of study, as well as external partners, grounded in contemporary research.

Did you know ?

play a key role in any economy,

using the necessary skills and initiative to anticipate
needs and bring new ideas to the market.

Meet our PhD Candidates

Some facts about

Sten K. Johnson


Lund University began to invest in entrepreneurship and innovation


Hans Landström was appointed professor in Entrepreneurship at the School of Economics and Managemen